Pastore Wins Jurisdictional Dispute in Corporate Governance Action

Pastore has successfully obtained jurisdiction over the CEO of an national logistics company in a dispute between founders of the company. The CEO had previously claimed that service was improper over him in Connecticut and that there was no personal jurisdiction over him within the state despite owning property in Connecticut and the fact that the company was founded in Connecticut. Pastore’s client, a shareholder and founder, was successful in overcoming that argument. Pastore client’s claims exceed $50 Million, alleging that the logistics company has failed to honor his rights as a shareholder and employee. The company, which also owns a large share of Attabotics, a Canadian logistics company, has recently engaged in a series of corporate transactions which may be subject to judicial review.

Pastore Retained in Two New SEC Matters

Pastore LLC has been retained in two separate SEC matters. One matter is an appeal to the Second Circuit arising from an SEC civil action that seeks disgorgement due to alleged false statements under 15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)(5). Another involves an SEC investigation into a publicly traded retail store. Pastore has a thriving securities practice and has attorneys who have previously worked for SEC enforcement and the NYSE.

Legal Challenges for Fitness Influencers

As a fitness influencer, the journey to stardom on social media is as challenging as it is exciting. Understanding the legal landscape is crucial in safeguarding your interests and ensuring your career thrives amidst the dynamic demands of content creation and brand collaborations. Here are key insights to help you navigate these challenges:

  • Understanding Contracts: When partnering with brands, clear and comprehensive contracts are vital. These agreements ensure that both parties’ expectations and obligations are explicitly outlined, helping to prevent misunderstandings and disputes.
  • Intellectual Property Awareness: Your content is not just a reflection of your creativity but also a crucial business asset. Protecting your copyrights and trademarks is essential to maintaining control over your work and reinforcing your brand’s value in the marketplace.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to guidelines set by entities like the FTC and respecting platform-specific rules are foundational to building trust with your audience. Transparent disclosure of sponsored content and conscientious privacy practices are not just good ethics—they’re good for business.
  • Risk Management: Proactively identifying and addressing potential legal issues before they escalate can save you from future headaches. Understanding common pitfalls in the influencer industry can help you navigate smoothly and confidently.

By focusing on these core areas, you can build a more secure and successful career in the fast-evolving world of social media. For those seeking deeper dives into specific topics or facing unique challenges, consulting with a legal expert who understands the nuances of the influencer industry can be invaluable.

Remember, the path to success is best navigated with knowledge and preparedness. Equip yourself with the right information and support to continue inspiring your followers and achieving your business goals.